Monday, September 7, 2009

Anti-POSCO Movement

Esteemed Chief Minister,

As a senior citizen concerned with the development of the state, I have been watching with dismay for quite some time, the unfortunate and sad happening surrounding the POSCO issue.I personally feel strongly that mines are our non-renewable ,precious strategic asset and like family silver. No country on earth has become rich by utilising its mineral wealth. I hope you are aware that mine based industries are inefficient employment generators and poor job providers.

My contention is, many of the people who are involved in the anti-POSCO movement are also committed to poverty alleviation agenda of the state. Some of them are respected leaders of Odisha Civil Society and have genuine concerns.Dissent is a part of democracy and respecting this is a sign of healthy and confident leadership.As Chief Minister, you represent all of us and can play the role of a unifier reconciling various points of view through dialogue and discussion. The anti-POSCO activists are not your enemies, they are our own brothers and sisters, the young people involved are our much concerned about the future of the state as you are.

Therefore ,the wisest thing on your part would be to call their representatives for a meaningful dialogue on the issue in a cordial environment.I hope you would consider this suggestion in an open mind.

With regards.

Dr Bhagbanprakash

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Dear Friend,

We experienced the burnt of the horrifying Communal Violence that occurred in December 2007 and August-December 2008. The dance of terror staged by communal forces after the murder of VHP leader Laxmanananda on 23rd August 2008 is an eye opener for the silent, but peace loving majority. It is necessary for all the people irrespective of their religious affiliations to understand the danger of communal fascism to the very basic conceptual foundations of Indian Democracy. With the slogan of 'one nation, one culture and one religion', the communal forces try to tarnish the rich traditions of Indian multiculturalism and revert back the Indian Republic Democracy to brahmanic dictatorial monarchy.

In this context, we have organized a one-day Seminar cum exhibition on 'COMMUNAL FASCISM – A CHALLENGE TO INDIAN DEMOCRACY' at Utkalmani Sabhakashya, Jayadev Vihar Square, Bhubaneswar . Dr.Ram Puniyani (Professor-IIT Mumbai), an eminent social activist, who recently got the National Foundation for Communal Harmony Award, for his outstanding contributions towards communal harmony and secularism, has delivered a talk on this burning topic.

We are also screening a documentary film on "Khandhamal riot" to strengthen the campaign against communal politics.