Friday, July 10, 2009

Still the fear factor is continuing in Kandhamal

Still the fear factor is continuing in Kandhamal

On the eve of 28th August 2008, no Dalit Christian had any idea about the brewing communal violence in their life. The people who were till yesterday their friends, ready to help & known to them for years, had turned into bitter foes. This the human mind could not comprehend. Those helping hands had suddenly turned into blood thirsty weapons.

This incident had occurred almost year ago but still had the fear been removed from their hearts? How far have we been successful to return to them their normal lives? The answer might be “NO”.

“Jai Hanuman”; this one word incites hatred into their hearts. Citing the respondents of Raikia, G Udayagiri, K Nuagaon & Baliguda blocks; that night the mob had attacked them with this very word. Even now if they hear the word, it is enough for them to send them fleeing from their homes & village; such is the fear of the word and its implications.

“The victims had no other option but return to their villages and settle with their neighbours, which fact should not be ignored in dealing cases. “ - M. M. Praharaj, Orissa Police D.G in a press conference.

The State Government knowing very well about Dalit Christians insecurity about returning to their homes still forced them to return home from the camps. As per my data in Raikia, Tikabali blocks the administration has failed to resettle them in their own village.

In the Pirigargh village of K. Nuagaon block, the Dalits are not allowed to take water from the public wells.

Assuming that everything is under control now the local administration is trying to wash its hands off the situation, but the truth is that the situation still persists in these villages and the people still suffer its aftereffects. Out of total effected population, more than 47% of the victims still live outside the villages in temporary dwellings.

The Government claims that under NREGA there will be 100 days of work to unemployed people but how far has this been materialized is a question to reckon with. How will these people (Victims) survive without any source of livelihood?

When the police refused to register their cases earlier, saying that it was false and now when the communal forces are emerging stronger than before; offenders are winning cases since no evidence is found against them and in many cases the witness are withdrawing out of fear, the dalits find themselves at the receiving end of all sorts of trouble. Due to this, the rest are loosing their faith & confidence in justices and the legal process. According to one of respondent, in the case of the raped nun, if she who was being backed by the whole congregation could not get justices till now, then how can we being ordinary people expect justices? Due to this, they have left all expectations on the justice and now focusing on re-building their lives from the bits of leftovers.

All these things are proving to be a tonic for the communal forces; they are emerging full fledged with more confidence than ever before. In view of facts, now we can’t overlook the on coming violence which may be more intense than before.

If the facts deduced by this ordinary person have mistakes or if the views have been expressed incorrectly, then it may be kindly excused. “The eye believes, what it sees”